Always know what's happening near you. NSW Incident Alerts provides you with real-time alerts for incidents tha may impact you at home, at work or on the road.
App Features
Combined incident information for crashes, breakdowns, bushfires, floods, snow, severe weather, thunderstorms, police incidents and more!
You will be able to select up to 10 Local Government Areas to receive alerts from while being able to filter what type of incidents you would like to see.
Subscription Cost Per Month
App + Push Notifications: $2.99
Push Notifications + SMS: $3.99

Can't download the app or just prefer to receive alerts via text? Don't worry, we have you covered! In addition to our app, we also provide an SMS only alert service!
What will I receive?
You will receive SMS alerts for bushfires, floods, severe weather, severe thunderstorms and more!
These alerts will be for the Local Government Area that you initially register with via the website. You can change this at any time, temporarily or permantnely by sending us a message via info@nswincidentalerts.com.au or via our socials.

Brought to you by GIO
There are a variety of services GIO and the community can provide to help you recover after severe weather. Visit www.gio.com.au